About me

Deep from the core of my heart, as far as I remember, I’ve been avidly inquisitive about human peace, joy and prosperity. I asked myself while sitting in silence for several hours as well as while interacting with fellow beings and noisy corporate gatherings; what precisely is it, that makes people indisputably happy, prosperous and productively fulfilled with sustainable joy?

I would see executive taking up new jobs and projects with excitement and eventually lose zeal. Would witness gathering starting with bang and ending into boredom. I saw marriages beginning with theme honeymoons and

My corporate job in Standard Chartered, FIAT and Chrysler made me puzzled. Why do majority people battle hard, remain frustrated and continue the race up the ladder, while few find a way to flourish peacefully &joyfully despite the most challenging circumstances?

I was also zealous about decoding complexity of seemingly distinct and unrelated things: reading latest work place success tips, news, spirituality, entrepreneurship, human potential and Indian yogic sciences just to name a few.

After several frustrating as well as winning moments at corporate jobs and undergoing lots of self-development programs; active participation in peer group healthy discussions, going for trekking and inner quest programs, Vipasana, I discovered that my unusual and diverse interests was my useful ability and force that can potentially shape life, not an insanity.

I remember my long train rides in China, gave me enough times to contemplate and look with in, I overcome the fear losing monthly pay pack security, 9-6 routine with long uncreative pockets of time.

I took a coaching session with mentor coach Siri Khalsa, who has an unbeatable aura and her style asking consciousness stirring questions, brought out well-honed crystal-clear vision – I will venture into Life, Executive and Leadership Coaching.

Sat and Siri Khalsa, innovators of InnerMost Shift Coaching Model, IC PROBE GAP Coaching Model, Kundalini Leadership & Yogic Presence to be an Enigmatic Sensor, live the BESTLife NLP Trainers are my Mentors. They have more than two decades of experience and have been direct disciples of Yogi Bhajan, Master of Kundalini Yoga. I just love them and their teachings.

While assisting ICF ACTP program InnerMost Shift Coaching, by AlphaStars, I was bestowed the honour, by my mentors, the name of ‘Prosperity’. If you know Indian Sciences, the Goddess of Wealth (Laxmi) and wisdom (Saraswati) duo amounts into ‘Prosperity’ (Samradhi). Like my name my approach (will never) fit into a conventional chest. So, all my Clients and Coach colleagues know me as Prosperity, and as my ultimate goal is to enrich my client’s life with wealth, wisdom & peace, I am a ‘Prosperity Coach’ doesn’t this blossom anInner Smile showing up on your face.

Prosperity = Productivity + Peace + Joy + Wealth

So, your productivity must bring peace of mind, joy in your heart and result in wealth.

Interact with me to know how I bring Prosperity into your life.