My Experience

What Success Was…

I spent number of years working hard, delivering results, getting recognition, competing peers, putting brave face despite feeling stressful anxious and disappointed inside.

Somewhere boredom stuck, saturation sucked and search of real happiness along the way got intense, things changed. I started to realize that I wasn’t feeling in sync with what I was doing, so there was no contentment in my life. It was as if, I no longer wanted to run away from the kind of life that I had worked so hard to create.

I launched inner quest, begin making self-discoveries and soon realized it was time to dive deep in the ocean of mind and get a new definition of success attain liveliness. It was time to realign myself to something truly I want.

But I was terrified with the thought of losing anything outside this job. Tough I tried hard could not think where to start! How could I walk away from a well-paying 12 years career?

Fortunately, something else came in the way. Something that tested my personal well-being.

Don’t compromise. And don’t barriers stop you. This is your one life. Every single breath is making life pass without being someone I can. So, don’t wait, Go for everything you want. And go make life worth living it.

Suddenly, not willing to settle for a career and life I no longer wanted wasn’t a crazy notion. Choosing ‘BEST’ over okay was the right way fuel energy to shape delightful future. I resigned my job in HR to pursue my prosperous dream of doing work I love. I found a passion for peaceful and progressing. I built a new network of wise mined and loving hearted that elevates me.


Now my definition of success is….

Living my life fulfilled, glorious, gracious and deal with daily eventualities

This is exactly the way I live. Living with awareness, that every moment is a gift, fulfilling my potential, and being in alignment with my values and passions. I love my being who I am and yet know that everyone likes to be so, so I understand, respect and enjoy other’s to be who they are. The most satisfying part of my life is that I wake up every day and cherish to help others create the lives they want.

  • Has your life drifted from a path you wish to pursue?
  • Are you over doing and underperforming?
  • Are you missing to live by your values?

Maybe you have done so much, achieved so much and have so much; now do not know what to do and what could the next best thing to work?


It is you time to make InnerMost shift and achieve the best

Realign to the best of you. Don’t let the forces of life to define your path, be the force that finds its own way. LIVE ON YOUR TERMS.

Certain phases of my life made me believe that without pleasing, agreeing to others and working hard success is not attainable.

Do you believe something like that? Trust me the root of the devastating thinking lies in the early days of your upbringing.

First finish your homework then play. Get highest grade then expect recognition.

Because you were told, that is the only right way and only right thing to do. I was no exception and I wanted it. It meant success to me and convince others I am smart. I was told getting highest grades guarantee that I could then become anything I wanted to – any multinational, top-profile, highly-paying job and a big home etc. As I pushed myself up the corporate ladder, I worked hard to prove myself, and earn appreciation and somehow kept advancing towards the top. Visited countries and did job in Chrysler, Shanghai. But I lost my cool, lost peace of mind, got into boredom and depression.

That’s when I gave a call to a coach, who turned out to be my mentor. My coaching session was very enlightening and uplifting. I took decision and quit my job. I came to India, found my own essence. I realised happiness is everything, nothing is all the rest.

And Now …I am on a life nourishing journey.

I define success to be getting what I, from the CORE OF MY HEART I WANT Success means PEACE and PROSPERITY.

You know we all wish each other on New Year Day and other festivals PEACE and PROSPERITY, but do we really work ourselves to have it?


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